How To Navigate The Balance Between Feminine & Masculine Energy

balance between masculine and feminine energy

When you enter into this world you’re so pure and innocent and as you grow older the beliefs and conditions of the world around you come into view and without even being aware you attach to these notions of what is true. 

We can all bear witness to this in our own lives. 

Personally it took me almost 40 years to realize that I was conforming to a way, never questioning it.

Women are accustomed to hide their feminine qualities, nurturing, sensitivity, supportiveness and listening to their intuition. Instead women are taught that if they’re going to be successful in this world they need to be tough, strong and assertive, typically masculine qualities.

There is a shift taking place in balancing both the feminine and masculine energy in the world. A sense of being rather than doing. This is so critical in this moment of time because the world has tipped too far to one side for too long and it’s time to embrace the feminine energy to create this new world. 

I see this in the clients I work with. Women are reaching out to me to help them cleanse and protect their feminine energy so that they can strike the right balance between both. Because we do need both feminine and masculine energy to navigate this world in the most authentic way.  

We need to have the qualities of strength and courage coupled with the qualities of intuition and nurturing to pave a new way forward. 

We need to listen to our intuitive nudges (our gut instincts) and act on them instead of depending on our logical mind for the answers all the time.

This way of being feels aligned to me, to my soul and that’s what I’m here for - to expand and grow my consciousness and share my learnings with the beautiful divine feminines of this world. 

Sending you so much love & gratitude,

xo Ashley 

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